Space Filler

Monday, May 22, 2006

Vi de udødelige inviterer dere til å slå dere sammen med oss.

Yup. The Norwegian translation for "We the immortal invite you to join us." It is also featured in the cover of Horde's album (the one I mentioned previously). What can I say? Another June will pass again within this feeble body of mine & just thinking all the work bein piled again at me. I just hope that God will help me see through this things, amidst of all the troubles & the pains I will go through. So why the title of this entry? I would just like to share that we believers have also the same troubles as with everyone. It's just we have a different view of things. Yup. & why "immortal"? It's because of the promise God gave to us in the book of Romans. To believe in Him means to live forever in His presence. What joy will it bring a man to experience eternal blissfulness. & so I remember another song from No Innocent Victim called "Calm Before The Storm". I remember hearing a message from the radio that amidst all our troubles that we're experiencing, something is coming that is far worse than what we're experiencing today. I mean, Jesus said in Matthew 24 that we should see to it that we're not alarmed. All of our little troubles in life plus the worsening conditions of this country (Philippines) will be nothing compared to the trouble that is coming. But what else is better? God is far greater than any circumstances that befall us. God's love is much greater. So there. God bless everyone. May God always guide you all in all your undertakings... this is the Northern Wolf signing-off... hee hee... zzz...


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