Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Well... I redisovered my old blogsite... I kinda posted some intersting things there back in February to March 2005. Kinda interesting to look back on those good old days where I just sit at the computer & just blasted my insights off to the blog-hopping public. Oh well... Here are just of the FCM bands I discovered that had Soundclick accounts (yup... & some of them have free mp3 downloads to boot!)... BoughtByBlood, & Ramoth Gilead. Seeing the site of Filipino Metal really puts to the world the almost-biased state of Metal scene here... the occult, atheism, etc., hackneyed themes of metal. I think it will be the most controversial thing here if somehow a Christian metal band here in the country made its way to the airwaves... I think it would be cool also if I had a band that's kinda like Mortification meets Horde plus Crimson Moonlight, & then the instrumentals will be kinda like Immortal Souls... I recently listened to "Scarab" by xDISCIPLEx A.D. in the net, & somehow the music's kinda moshable. I also like to hear some songs from No Innocent Victim's "No Compromise" album, because I've seen in some comments in that their style here is old school hardcore. Oh well, that's all for now, & God bless the Philippine Youth! Vi de udødelige inviterer dere til å slå dere sammen med oss...
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